The Centralian Beef Breeders Association in conjunction with the Central Australian Show Society will again be hosting the Cattle Show section at next year’s 64th Alice Springs Show. The CBBA will be running the John Gorey Bar and holding our very popular annual Beef Breeders Dinner on the evening of Saturday 6th July.
We would like to take this opportunity to offer your business/organisation a chance to be a part of the 2024 Cattle Show and/or Annual Dinner by sponsoring the CBBA in exchange for advertising and promotion.
Donations can be made to the Cattle Classes Section Cattle Classes Section Cattle Classes Section of the Show Booklet and/or the CBBA Dinner CBBA Dinner and can be either:
* Donations of Cash are needed for prize money, trophies and running expenses/improvements.
* Items from your business; vouchers or goods can also be donated, these can be used for the CBBA Annual Dinner on the Saturday night of the Alice Springs Show Weekend.
Support from all sponsors will be acknowledged and promoted at every opportunity throughout the weekend and during the Annual Dinner.
This will be via;
* signage and MC announcements at the Cattle Showing area
* at the CBBA dinner via power-point along with photos of the weekend. Major sponsors will also be included on the dinner menus.
* displaying business names on our website with priority position given to major sponsor.
We are always open to any suggestions on how best we could help you to promote your business.
Please contact the Sponsorship officer for more information
All Rights Reserved. Centralian Beef Breeders Association (CBBA)